It follows a young Parisian courtesan named Gigi (Leslie Caron) as she begins to slowly fall in love with a rich playboy (Maurice Chevalier). The film won 9 Oscars, including Best Picture ...
TCM announced the "Musical Matinees series" on Thursday. The Saturday series hosted by Dave Karger begins Nov. 5 with "An American in Paris" and features "I'll See You In My Dreams," "Annie" and ...
Susan Anton as a runner programmed to win three track events at the 1980 Moscow Olympics. James Coburn. Serafin: Curt Jurgens. Dr. Lee: Leslie Caron. Esselton: Robert Culp. Winters: James A.
Leslie Claire Margaret Caron (born 1 July 1931) is a French-American actress, dancer and writer. She is the recipient of various accolades, including a Golden Globe Award, two BAFTA Awards ...