与传统的ERCP相比,胆道子镜辅助的无射线内镜下胆管取石及引流术,即“一步法”内镜下治疗SAC的治疗方式显示了良好的结果,适合SAC的ICU床旁治疗,明显提高患者生存率。因此,该研究为急性重症胆管炎患者提供了一种可行的床旁无射线内镜下治疗的新方法。 ...
She continued to believe that she was pregnant, and would pull down her trousers or lie on a table in a lithotomy position to 'deliver'. The patient began cramming food without choking 2 months ...
If, upon examining the patient in the lithotomy position, it is unclear whether an enterocele exists, have the patient stand with one leg on a short stool and repeat the physical exam. Place one ...
Urinary bladder was kept empty by indwelling Foley's catheter. After putting the patient in the lithotomy position, the condom was inserted within the uterine cavity. Inner end of the catheter ...
It's simply not something we're experienced in. "We would normally deliver the baby in the lithotomy position". The lithotomy position refers to lying on the back with knees bent above the hips ...
He was one of the first to take a lateral approach to perineal lithotomy (a surgical operation for the removal of calcium ...