Russia’s proposal to MEPC 82 suggests revising the International Bulk Chemical (IBC) Code to simplify ballast water discharge ...
Throughout history, catastrophic events have often triggered widespread regulatory changes, with governments and ...
Work to include consideration of technical and economic components of mid-term measures that once finalised will go forward ...
Bureau Veritas has granted approval in principle (AIP) to Ponant for its new twin-screw sailing passenger vessel concept, ...
As emissions regulations become more stringent, many ship owners are turning to alternative fuels to power their vessels.
Since 2020, travel trends have undergone significant changes as more people seek out meaningful travel experiences that ...
近年来,船舶漏油事件频发,仅2024年就发生了多起,2月7日上午,特立尼达和多巴哥共和国政府在多巴哥西海岸意外发现一艘倾覆船只释放的浮油,该浮油迅速扩散,覆盖了加勒比海岛西南海岸线,当地政府随即宣布全国进入紧急状态。6月14日下午,新加坡巴西班让码头 ...
2024年9月10日至15日,菲亚特动力科技在其长期合作伙伴兼经销商 Bimotor的展台,以嘉宾身份向参观者介绍其应用广泛的船用产品系列,并展示两款NEF系列发动机,即 N40 250 E 和 N67 570 EVO 。
记者18日从江门海关获悉,日前,在江门海关隶属新会海关的监管下,中交四航局江门航通船业有限公司(以下简称“江门航通”)为新加坡船东设计建造的双燃料加油船“AMALTHEA”轮顺利通关,交付起航。这是江门关区出口的首艘绿色低碳双燃料加油船。据统计,今年 ...
About 6PAC+: The 6PAC+ coalition represents a group of Pacific and Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS) that are at the forefront of climate advocacy, working together to influence ...
近日,经珠海边检总站江门边检站民警验放,由中交四航局江门航通船业有限公司建造的7999DWT(载重吨)新型绿色低碳双燃料加油新造船舶“木卫五/AMALTHEA”轮顺利交付运营,开启由江门驶往新加坡的首航。据介绍,这是首艘“江门造”新型绿色低碳双燃料船 ...
南都讯 记者罗忠明 通讯员高培艳 9月13日,在江门海关隶属新会海关的监管下,中交四航局江门航通船业有限公司为新加坡船东设计建造的双燃料加油船“AMALTHEA”轮顺利通关,交付起航。这是江门关区出口的首艘绿色低碳双燃料加油船。