To help the plant fight off the disease, water it regularly and apply balanced fertilizers. Fungicides containing chlorothalonil, mancozeb, copper, and thiophanate methyl are effective against ...
The only defence is a smorgasbord of fungicides, to which the mould grows more resistant with each passing season. It is currently the biggest threat to a crop that contributes $29.9-billion to Ca ...
While these grasses may be able to grow out of disease because their active growth period begins with cooler weather in the fall, fungicide treatment may be in order because cool season grasses ...
Growing zinnias is like lining your garden beds in rows of floral lollipops that are bursting in color rather than flavor.
The fungicides used to protect crops are often structurally related to medicinal antifungals, and so agricultural fungicides have the potential to drive the evolution of resistance to antifungals ...
(Beyond Pesticides, September 13, 2024) While chemical companies persist in pushing simplistic solutions to complex problems, there is a large amount of evidence that organic farming presents ...
Advocates across the nation welcome EPA’s unprecedented action earlier this month to use its emergency suspension authority, as permitted by its statutory mandate under Federal Insecticide, ...