PaxOcean, a subsidiary of Singapore’s Kuok Group says that an undisclosed “leading Greek shipowner” has awarded it a contract ...
Singapore shipbuilder says agreement is a significant milestone as offshore vessel contacting makes a comeback ...
Greek tycoon Evangelos Marinakis is moving further into offshore shipping with more newbuildings in China. TradeWinds ...
随后,文艺汇演环节精彩纷呈,高潮迭起。激昂有力的鼓舞《相和歌》率先奏响节日的乐章,鼓点如同心跳,唤醒人们对传统节日的无限遐想。紧接着诗朗诵《望月怀远》以深情而优雅的语调,将古人对中秋月圆的无限思绪与情感抒发得淋漓尽致,令人动容。歌曲《十五的月亮》等精 ...
Fujian residents who obtain the correct documentation can enter and exit the Chinese border through Huangqi or Mawei ports in Fuzhou, the source said, adding that they would be able to take ...