In Norway, boys discovered rare 600-year-old silver coins under a church, which they kept for decades. The coins, dating from ...
The result is an engrossing study of medieval England’s justices and jurors and the cultural pressures that influenced their verdicts.' Sara M. Butler, King George III Professor in British History, ...
A new book examines the rise and fall of the Carolingian dynasty, discussing how people across social classes understood the ...
Featuring online resources including timelines, a glossary, end-of-chapter questions and suggestions for further reading, students can drive their own understanding of how the polities and societies ...
This title is part of a longer publication history. The full run of this journal will be searched. TITLE HISTORY A title history is the publication history of a journal and includes a listing of the ...
was also very different from the way it's often depicted in fictional media. Here are thirty weird (but true) facts about European life in the Medieval period.
Over the following 300 years scores of towns were founded: Bala, established in 1309, was the last fling of Wales's medieval town creators. Although towns became central to the economy ...
so if you’re ready we’ll take Hackaday into a rare tour of medieval history. The Holy Roman Empire at the turn of the second millennium. Sémhur derivative work: OwenBlacker, CC BY-SA 3.0 ...
Most people don’t get excited about intestinal parasite eggs preserved in 500-year-old human feces. But Marissa Ledger isn't like most people.
James Wade, an associate professor of English at Cambridge University, started to believe Richard’s account after realizing the stories written in his medieval manuscript were quite unlike anything ...