Spills involving a mercury volume greater than that contained in one to two laboratory thermometers (a few millimeters) should be cleaned up using dedicated equipment and followed up with air ...
Mercury cleanup can lead to exposure, which can present with symptoms of lethargy, memory loss, decreased dexterity and other neurological issues. On Monday, the spilled mercury took to cracks in ...
What is the benefit to switching to a non-mercury thermometer? Mercury thermometers break on a regular basis; the contaminated clean-up debris generated by a spill is considered hazardous waste and is ...
on Thursday, a residence where federal authorities conducted a multiday cleanup of a mercury spill. Behind the caution tape, Kansas Department of Health and Environment officials had posted bright ...
He said a mercury spill of that size is rare. The Environmental Protection Agency was called in to advise on cleanup procedures. The affected apartment was sealed pending cleanup, but three other ...
.EDEN PRAIRIE (AP) – More than 290 students were evacuated Thursday from a charter school in Eden Prairie after a mercury spill. The spill at Eagle Ridge Academy involved a small amount of mercury in ...
Nitric acid spill prompts shelter-in-place order in Arizona 60 people sickened in 'chemical incident' at Texas water park 19-year-old arrested in mercury spill at Houston shopping center Large ...