100 克绿叶菜做熟后约为 1 拳头的量,可以估算一下自己白天吃了多少,如果没吃够量,晚餐就多吃些蔬菜;至于蛋白质食物,除了肉类也别忽略了豆制品的摄入,白天如果吃了肉,晚上可以选豆制品作为蛋白质的来源。
We have tested the MMCD's metabolite analysis tool both on mixtures of pure compounds and on metabolite extracts assigned by hand. In the case of the standard mixtures, four solutions were ...
也有研究印证了这一点,一项刊登于《细胞代谢》上的研究揭示了晚餐吃得晚导致肥胖的原因。晚进食增加了清醒时的饥饿感;降低了 24 小时的血清瘦素;减少了清醒时能量消耗和 24 小时的核心体温;改变了脂肪组织基因表达,让身体更容易储存脂肪。
Nature Metabolism 期刊同期发表了两篇论文,这两项研究均显示, 二甲双胍 通过诱导代谢物Lac-Phe的产生来发挥降低食欲和减肥的作用。而Lac-Phe是不久前斯坦福大学 Jonathan Long ...
Kanazawa University, have developed a biosensor that improves sensitivity to 1-methylnicotinamide (1-MNA) in urine by orders ...
Andreasson and colleagues have found, using both in vitro and in vivo models, that kynurenine (Kyn) generated by IDO1 ...
Newborns who had an atypical pattern of metabolites were more than 14 times as likely to die of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), compared to infants who had more typical metabolic patterns, ...
A recent study highlights the pivotal role of alternative splicing in controlling plant secondary metabolism, which is ...
In a large-scale study published in Molecular Psychiatry, University of Hawaiʻi Cancer Center scientists identified novel metabolite biomarkers, molecules produced during chemical reactions in ...
Recent clinical studies have suggested that phenylacetylglutamine (PAGln), a novel gut microbial metabolite, can mechanistically modulate patients' risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD ...
Andreasson and colleagues have found, using both in vitro and in vivo models, that kynurenine (Kyn) generated by IDO1 suppresses glycolytic metabolism in astrocytes, therefore highlighting the ...