"The best part of my job is telling stories that yearn to be told." As a reporter, Michael Chen has had the privilege of covering a wide range of those stories, from the frostbitten nights of a ...
发酵饮料市场要“变天”了。据Food dive最新消息,乳制品巨头达能近日提出要以约 2.83 亿美元(相当于人民币19.9亿元)的价格收购其尚未持有的美国益生菌供应商Lifeway Foods的剩余股份,合每股25美元。作为Lifeway的长期股东 ...
德克萨斯大学西南医学中心是美国首屈一指的学术医学中心之一,将开创性的生物医学研究与卓越的临床护理和教育相结合。该机构的教职员工曾获得6项诺贝尔奖,其中包括25名美国国家科学院院士、22名美国国家医学院院士和14名霍华德休斯医学研究所研究员。3200多 ...
PETALING JAYA: Prominent MCA veteran and former party deputy president Tun Michael Chen Wing Sum passed away at the age of 92 ...
There’s a lot going on in this ultra-compact transformable apartment, designed for a globe-roaming couple and located onboard a large residential yacht. Michael K. Chen Architecture has dubbed the ...
圆桌嘉宾讨论了《黑神话:悟空》这类高投入、长周期的游戏是否适合 Web3 生态。普遍观点认为,Web3 游戏目前更适合开发轻量级、快速上线的小游戏,逐步积累经验,再考虑大制作。这是因为 Web3 项目缺乏传统游戏的长期资金支持,且市场需求快速变化。参与者指出,Web3 游戏不应仅追求金融收益。虽然许多玩家进入 Web3 ...
PETALING JAYA: Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah and Tengku Permaisuri Selangor, Tengku Permaisuri Norashikin, express their condolences to the family of the late Tun Michael Chen ...
Fantasy hockey experts Jason Chen and Michael Amato run through a litany of sleepers, breakout candidates and goalies to pay ...
SCHMIDT司米,一个拥有90年辉煌历史的法式高端定制家居品牌,于9月5日在法国驻上海总领事官邸巴赛别墅(Villa ...
据外媒报道,当地时间周三,在年度开发者大会上,美国科技巨头Meta发布了最新款虚拟现实 (VR)头显设备Quest 3S,起售价为299美元。此外,Meta还发布了多模态大语言模型和AR眼镜原型。
Michael Chen joins GEM Realty Capital as Senior Managing Director, Head of Capital Raising. His primary responsibility is to develop and execute GEM’s capital markets strategy and liaise with the ...
据外媒报道,当地时间周三,在年度开发者大会上,美国科技巨头Meta发布了最新款虚拟现实 (VR)头显设备Quest 3S,起售价为299美元。此外,Meta还发布了多模态大语言模型和AR眼镜原型。