隔夜BTC在63k徘徊。最近有人把2021年塔勒布写的一篇被称为“比特币黑皮书”的论文给翻出来炒冷饭。作为畅销书《黑天鹅》《反脆弱》的作者,塔勒布(Nassim Nicholas Taleb)名噪一时。但是,当他在2020年(或2021年)弄没了他的BTC仓位之后,便愤而发挥其学术才能,炮制了一篇抨击BTC必将归零的论文,题目叫做《比特币,货币和脆弱性》 (Bitcoin, Currencies, ...
此次分享,樊登将亲自讲述阅读如何成为他生命中不可或缺的一部分,以及这些书籍如何在他的人生轨迹中留下深刻的烙印。他将分享那些改变他思考方式、激发他创新灵感的书籍故事,让我们一同感受阅读的力量。在樊登的引领下,让我们重新审视阅读的价值,不仅仅是为了获取知 ...
汇通财经讯——在金砖国家的实力不断增强和美债激增的背景下,去美元化已成为一个热门话题,真正的去美元化游戏是黄金。Luke Gromen指出:“这种行为已经悄然进行了10年,在2022年后制裁俄罗斯外汇储备的时候变得大声了。”Angelo ...
De-dollarization might seem like a wild conspiracy theory, but it’s happening. People aren't really seeing it, but it's ...
Molly Chiffer has joined the cast of SIMON SAYS at the Larcom Theatre in Beverly, Mass., from Oct. 16 to 27. The play, ...
Meyer Blue项目主体是一幢26层的高楼,共有226个单位,户型涵盖从670平方英尺的两卧房单位到3000平方英尺的五卧房海景单位。这个项目原为永久地契私宅项目Meyer ...
Tourists were busy spooning up ice-cream on the verandah of Tariq Nassim's home at the picturesque Galle Fort in Sri Lanka, ...
Explore 10 transformative non-fiction books that will challenge your perspective and deepen your understanding of the world, ...
Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of the bestselling book on black swan events, delves deeper into the u The bestselling economist Nassim Nicholas Taleb argues that we can’t make the world financial ...
Nassim Soleimanpour’s White Rabbit Red Rabbit will make its West End debut at the newest West End venue @sohoplace – and has ...
Tourism in the country of 22 million, famed for its pristine beaches, ancient temples and aromatic tea, was crushed as the ...