Erectile dysfunction. Men or people assigned male at birth who have neurogenic bladder can have problems with sexual function, including infertility. You may have trouble getting an erection ...
Self-care with overactive bladder involves making lifestyle changes, taking medications, going to physical therapy, and ...
Often patients cannot gauge the extent to which they have incomplete bladder emptying, but it has been shown that those who suspect that they have this problem are often correct. [2] It is ...
Are you searching for medications to treat 'Neurogenic Bladder'? Welcome to this page which serves as an archive for medications that are relevant to the treatment of Neurogenic Bladder.
Interstitial cystitis is a chronic condition that affects the bladder While there is no cure for it healthy lifestyle habits can help manage it ...
Considering taking supplements to treat neurogenic bladder? Below is a list of common natural remedies used to treat or reduce the symptoms of neurogenic bladder. Follow the links to read common ...
In 1997, the International Children's Continence Society addressed this problem by the publication of a report that aimed to standardize and define lower urinary tract dysfunction in children.
Theoretically, children undergoing SNS for neurogenic etiology might be ... SNS is a viable option for treating bladder and bowel dysfunction in this patient population Haddad et al.
A Q+A with Jill Osborne, Founder & CEO of the Interstitial Cystitis Network The following is from an interview with Jill ...
Unlike enuresis, stress urinary incontinence, non-neurogenic voiding dysfunction, bladder and bowel dysfunction, or anatomical disorders causing incontinence, giggle incontinence lacks additional ...
Our long-term goal is to develop methods for the prevention and treatment of conditions associated with dysfunction of the peripheral nervous system such as hypertension, abnormal vasospasm, ...