Plant tissue culture (also known as micropropagation) is a method of propagating plants asexually in aseptic conditions. The four main steps of micropropagation are establishment, multiplication, ...
Disclaimer: Reference to products is not intended to be an endorsement to the exclusion of others which may have similar uses. Any person using products listed in these articles assumes full ...
Guyana’s first tissue-culture lab to be operational in first quarter of this year -set to produce millions of plantlets SET to be a game changer to food ...
This can result in a reduction of biodiversity. Tissue culture is a technique used to grow whole new plants from small sections of a parent plant. Hormones are used to stimulate cell division and ...
where we aim to improve plant resistance to disease using techniques in plant tissue culture, molecular biology, and through genetic engineering. Our studies on the ecology and control of fungal ...
A novel approach in plant genetics promises to herald a new frontier in crop improvement that would usher disease-resistant plants, that too with enhanced nutri ...