KP.3 was the 'predominant' SARS-CoV-2 variant in the US. It was also spreading in Europe. It's now joined with another ...
AD Ports Group signed agreements with two UAE banks to refinance its syndicated loan of $2.25 billion at more favourable ...
红豆杉又称紫杉,国家一级珍稀保护树种,也是世界上公认的濒临灭绝的第四纪冰川遗留下来的古老树种。科学家利用红豆杉提取物制成了抗癌药物紫杉醇,是治疗多种癌症的有效药物之一。内生真菌是指在其生活史的一定阶段或全部阶段生活在植物的各种组织,对植物组织不会引起 ...
Beyond the hashtags, the latest research does suggest that IBS is more prevalent—affecting 6.1% of people in the U.S.—than ...
AI-generated images have become increasingly predominant in the results of Google searches in recent months, crowding out ...
Do you know that what goes into your boerewors and all other kinds of wors is regulated by law? This is what the law says.
The Ban will be screened at the Irish Film Institute in Dublin, as part of the IFI Documentary Festival, at 1.10pm on Sunday, ...
The former president held a town hall in which he took few questions but made bold and dire predictions 50 days out from the ...
The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives has quickly taken over the internet by storm — and several cast members of The Real ...
CHINA’S LEADER, Xi Jinping, boasts that his political system has a matchless ability to get difficult things done. “For anything that benefits the party and the people,” he has said, “we ...
A new study suggests that there is a third type of wood—known as “midwood”—that could explain the nanoscale architecture of ...
The new facilities are in line with AD Ports Group strategy to utilise bonds as the predominant long-term funding vehicle ...