Educators, legislators, non-profit leaders and funders joined together Monday morning to call for a collective way to improve the state of early childhood education. “It is not an understatement to… R ...
From a taxpayer’s perspective, investing in early childhood education is worthwhile. Nobel laureate economist James Heckman ...
Join our network of educational leaders, curriculum designers, teachers, and creatives nationally and internationally. We offer M.A. degrees in Early Childhood Education leading to birth- 2nd grade ...
Statistics from federally collected data include many socioeconomic indicators such as: population, poverty, health, ...
The idea of expelling a child who is barely out of diapers shows the failure of our educational system during the most ...
And though a degree isn’t necessarily required for such positions, an online bachelor’s in early childhood education can boost a teacher’s prospects for employment and salary. An online ...
"Whether here in Kaneohe, Hilo or Wailuku, keiki across Hawaii, no matter where they live, should have access to high-quality ...
在澳大利亚,幼教行业正面临严重的人力短缺问题。但即便在这样的背景下,男性幼教从业者依然面临着诸多挑战。点击 ▶ 收听完整报道。 要点: 澳洲幼教行业面临逾两万专业人员缺口,且行业内男女比例差距极大; 性别刻板印象和家长的担忧,导致男性幼教从业者遭遇不平等待遇; 研究显示,男性老师能为儿童成长带来独特的贡献。 点击 ▶ 收听播客。 近期,一位华人男性幼教从业者在社交媒体上的发帖引发了广泛关注,他自曝 ...
Early childhood education company KinderCare Learning Cos. has refiled for an initial public stock offering after abandoning ...
What happens to us when we’re very young children can set us up for life. Coming up Tuesday at 9 a.m., MPR News host Angela ...
Government, business and philanthropic institutions are joining forces to embark on a moon mission of fixing Nashville's ...