Pressure builds because the eye's fluid, known as the aqueous humor, doesn't drain properly. Ocular hypertension typically causes no noticeable symptoms or vision loss. However, if the condition ...
Most people don’t experience symptoms of glaucoma until they ... glaucoma include medications or surgery to decrease pressure in your eye. These conditions may affect your vision but are ...
As with skin, eye sunburn can vary in intensity. The longer your exposure to UV rays, the more intense your symptoms are likely to be. The symptoms of photokeratitis can be uncomfortable.
Eye swelling can affect one or both eyes and result in symptoms ranging from discomfort to redness to pain. There are many potential causes for swelling of the eye and eyelid. The causes can range ...
More than 4.2 million Americans live with glaucoma, a leading cause of vision loss in the nation. Although there is no cure for glaucoma, early detection and treatment can stop this condition in its ...
While many conditions and diseases such as high blood pressure, early-stage cancer ... conditions is also the most common. Pink eye has telltale symptoms most everyone recognizes and affects ...