Robot Academy Films, an independent production company set up by two 22 year old Australian's are currently in production for a film on the 90's punk rock explosion titled One Nine Nine Four. The 2 ...
The producers of Punk Like Me, a documentary about a 37 year-old amateur punk rock singer who joins the Warped Tour, have posted the trailer for the film. According to the filmmakers: When a man lies ...
Punk opened the gates of hell and let me out!" Peter McArthur Sophisticated Boom Boom will reunite for one night only to mark the film's release The screenings to mark the film's release include a ...
An in-depth look at the auspicious production of D.O.A. A Rite of Passage, the documentary funded by High Times founder Tom Forcade in which guerrilla filming methods captured the first (and only ...
via interviews with Busy P (real name Pedro Winter), the founder of Ed Banger records who also managed Daft Punk for 12 years, starting when he was 20 years old. The documentary as a whole ...
New documentary Busy P Says Oui explores the dynamics ... Winter), the founder of Ed Banger records who also managed Daft Punk for 12 years, starting when he was 20 years old.
Starring The Nipple Erectors and The Maniacs and born in the year of punk this is a documentary about kebabs with an anarchic approach Look out for footage of a young Shane MacGowan at the very ...