美国内科医师昂格莱德(Shoshana Ungerleider)受访谈及照顾临终病患时,最常听见患者感嘆和所爱之人相处时间不足等5种遗憾,她呼吁要避免遗憾,第一步是要接受生命最终都会走向终点。在医院工作、照顾患者多年的昂 ...
美国内科医师昂格莱德(Shoshana Ungerleider)受访谈及照顾临终病患时,最常听见患者感叹和所爱之人相处时间不足等5种遗憾,她呼吁要避免遗憾,第一步是要接受生命最终都会走向终点。在医院工作、照顾患者多年的昂格莱德接受美媒CNBC专访时表示,她最常听到临终患者和她分享5大遗憾: ...
在《钢铁是怎样炼成的》一书中,主人公保尔柯察金说: Man's dearest possession is life. It is given to him but once, and he must live it so as to feel no ...
法国71岁退休电工佩里科(Dominique Pélicot)被控犯下法国近代史最引人注目的大规模性侵案,近10年间多次下药迷昏髮妻交由透过网路招揽的72名男子上门性侵,他的妻子直到警方上门搜证时才知自己惨遭丈夫性剥削,兽 ...
Chongqing native Wang Wandi achieved fourth place in the women’s category at the Flymaster Open in Macedonia, Europe in July ...
BEIJING, Sept. 23 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese Ministry of Commerce (MOC) on Monday said that it has received the consultation request that the European Union (EU) issued through the World Trade ...