Abstract: Richard "Dick" Karp (b. 1935) was born in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston. His father was a school teacher who rose to be a school principal. Karp liked puzzles and games, and received ...
Necessary and sufficient conditions are derived in the context of linear diffusions. It is also shown that reducibility can be regarded as a natural extension of the concept of estimability, defined ...
在数学中,李代数上同调是李代数的一种上同调理论,由谢瓦莱和艾伦伯格[1] 为了对紧李群的拓扑空间的上同调进行代数构造而建立。在上文提及的论文中,一个特定的被称作Koszul复形(英语:Koszul_complex)的特殊复形,在李代数的模上定义,而其上同调则以 ...
Basics of Lie groups and Lie algebras. Solvable and nilpotent Lie algebras. Universal enveloping algebras. PBW theorem. sl(2) and its representations. Classification of simple Lie algebras. Dynkin ...
There are two common ways of producing reductions stronger than Turing reducibility. The first way is to limit the number and manner of oracle queries. These reductions are stronger in the sense that ...
Scientists at Max Planck have created an environmentally benign method that combines metal extraction, alloying, and ...
Metal production is responsible for 10% of global CO2 emissions, with iron production emitting two tons of CO2 for every ton ...
This organization edge-coloring contains the programs and files used to validate the proof in "Three-edge-coloring projective planar cubic graphs" (arXiv). Refer to the README file in each repository ...
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science offers major programs leading to the bachelor of science in mathematics or the bachelor of science in computer science, as well as required and ...
Researchers developed a one-step, hydrogen-based method for producing Invar alloys, eliminating CO2 emissions and energy ...
Both HTA and HTA + S samples show degraded performance in CH4 combustion relative to the fresh one, which are caused by the reconstruction of Pd species induced by thermal aging and the decreased ...