在冬日的画卷里,四川以它独有的方式,将大自然的鬼斧神工与人文的深厚底蕴巧妙融合,编织出一幅幅令人向往的旅行图景。从巍峨的雪山到明媚的暖阳,从水天一色的湖泊到水汽氤氲的温泉,四川的冬天,无疑是一场关于美的盛宴,一次心灵的洗礼。(Sichuan ...
When it comes to Sichuan, what comes to your mind? For Japanese and South Korean internet users, the culture of the Three ...
提起四川,你会想到什么?对日韩网友来说,三国文化绝对是绕不开的话题。在日本,《三国志》漫画销量达到7000万余册,《三国志》游戏问世39年至今依旧火爆,还有三国知识水平考试连续多年举办;在韩国,不少地方都建有关帝庙,更有一句话叫“不要和没读过‘三国’ ...
Upon their arrival, the three pandas – Tian Bao, Bao Di and Bao Mei – were sent to the China Conservation and Research Center ...
Explore the winter scenery of the Sichuan-Xizang highway, an artery linking China's plateau region and inland areas. The road twists its way through 13 snow-covered mountains with elevations of more ...
A staff member displays a bronze relic at a research institute of Sanxingdui ruins in Guanghan City, southwest China's Sichuan Province, Dec. 16, 2024. The second phase of the conservation and inherit ...
China ha implementado proyectos de adquisición de viviendas en más de 10 ciudades, convirtiendo residencias no vendidas en ...