The Maltese Shih Tzu mix, also known as the Mal-Shi or Malt-Tzu, is a cheerful, small dog breed that combines the traits of the Maltese and the Shih Tzu. This designer dog is cherished for its ...
She’s already got nicknames: Pheebs, P-heebie, Phoebe Jeebies, Ol’ Flat Face. And she already has “bits.” Samson had a fictitious podcast called Laps of Luxury, in which he would sit on the laps of ...
Million, a 12-month-old Maltese Shih tzu, was discovered tied to a gate in a Zetland front yard after David Wiles heard a small whimper, to 7News reports. Video footage has captured the moment two ...
In a video that has racked up over 337,000 views, the woman captures the moment she returns home to her Maltese-Shih Tzu mix eagerly waiting at the door. However, the excitement quickly fades as ...