Founded in 1980, ABC No Rio grew out of a dilapidated tenement building in the Lower East Side. (photo courtesy Steven ...
Steven Englander, Managing Director and Global Head of G10 FX Research and North American Macro Strategy at Standard ...
Rival global currencies will likely gain ground against the dollar as the U.S. Federal Reserve starts long-awaited rate cuts.
The U.S. dollar's decline is gaining speed as anticipated interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve threaten to end the ...
汇丰银行 外汇 分析师保罗·麦克尔在报告中说,美联储是降息25个基点还是50个基点,现在还很难说。“汇丰经济预计,美联储将以降息25个基点开始,同时暗示未来将进一步放宽政策,但幅度不大。” ...
近期,随着对美联储降息的预期不断打压着美元的强势,美元的下跌速度正在加快。数据显示,美元指数已较2024年高点下跌了5%,接近一年来的最低水平。 另一些分析师则指出,许多人都在等待美国经济放缓的更多证据,然后才会进一步看空美元。Neuberger ...
从宏观层面看,一些央行货币政策预期的变动,无疑是近来日交易量高达7.5万亿美元的全球外汇市场行情变化背后的“主旋律”。美联储降息的临近在上月沉重打压了美元,导致这一全球储备货币大幅下跌,并引发了非美货币几乎全线上涨。 “美元的交易实际上一直受到美联储降息预期的影响,”纽约巴克莱外汇策略师Skylar Montgomery Koning表示,“这几乎是目前外汇市场上唯一的驱动因素。” ...
The US dollar’s decline is gaining speed as anticipated interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve threaten to end the ...