The earliest intimations of new revisionist tendencies within the Fourth International came in 1942 with the publication of a document by German emigré Trotskyists entitled, “Three Theses on ...
It was 15 years ago today that one of the most important documents ever written was released to the world. The importance of this document is akin to Martin Luther, who published his 95 Theses in ...
The story is told of an automaton constructed in such a way that it could play a winning game of chess, answering each move of an opponent with a countermove. A puppet in Turkish attire and with a ...
A list of MPhil and PhD theses submitted in the Department of Anthropology since 1927, and of MA theses up to 1969, has been compiled from departmental records, the catalogue card index of theses in ...
If the thesis is held in the Research Reserve, use the online request form to request it. See below for details of how to access theses held in our other library sites. Recently submitted theses may ...
Some people have claimed that history repeats itself. If this statement is true, you might ask what characteristics are ...
"Here I stand, I can do no other, God help me, Amen..." (Martin Luther) When an obscure monk named Martin Luther nailed 95 Theses - 95 stinging rebukes - attacking the mighty Catholic Church ...
With this revelation, he turns on the Church, attacking its practice of selling Indulgences in the famous 95 Theses. The key points of Luther's theses were simple, but devastating: a criticism of ...
Templates for both theses and dissertations are here and should be downloaded and used to format your paper. They are easy to use with drop-down boxes to select options and are formatted correctly to ...
Writing and defending a dissertation or thesis is the culmination of a research-based graduate degree. The steps below will assist students in completing this stage of their education. Please ...
How do I do that? If the map is larger than 8.5 x 11, but smaller than 11 x 17, see Section 3.9 in the guide. Dissertations, theses, and reports are submitted to the Library after degrees have been ...
Below is a list of the theses produced by graduate students in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science. MSc The performance of annealed sequential Monte Carlo sampling as a joint variable ...