According to its origin myth, air guitar was born at Woodstock in 1969, when Joe Cocker accompanied the intro to his cover of ...
In 1928, the Indonesian Youth Congress took place in Jakarta, and in this Congress it was decided that Indonesia should have an official national language, which would thenceforth be called ...
Grandfather’s timeless wisdom on overcoming doubts and staying focused Once upon a time, a small girl from a wee village came ...
This alloy, which was a yellowish-gold colour, but with the red tinge mentioned by Plato, was thenceforth known as orichalcum. And, indeed, modern studies suggest that this metal so coveted by the ...
The July 11, 2024 Supreme Court judgement on local government autonomy directed that funds due to local governments from the Federation Account should thenceforth be paid directly to them.
OUR newly posted brigade commander took charge in July 1995. Thenceforth, it was a hectic schedule with briefings, introduction to various roles and familiarisation with the terrain. The ...
A few days later, Victoria (as queen) proposed, Albert accepting quickly although he knew that his life thenceforth would be secondary to the support of the queen. They were married on February 10 ...
A few days later, Victoria (as queen) proposed, Albert accepting quickly although he knew that his life thenceforth would be secondary to the support of the queen. They were married on February 10 ...
The initiate is expected to show no pain and cry out “I am a man.” Then the young man -thenceforth an “Umkhwetha”- spends a month of solitary healing before being sequestered in a hut with ...
In order to further consolidate its dominant role, the US also claimed the right to remain fully informed about the financial comings and goings of every single member state, thenceforth and ...
It was in Rome, towards the end of the eighteenth century, one fine evening in May. A child of the poor gathered his companions around him and led them to a statue of Mary, before which a lamp was ...