Gene expression is linked to RNA transcription, which cannot happen without RNA polymerase. However, this is where the similarities between prokaryote and eukaryote expression end. Central to the ...
Enzymes called RNA polymerases transcribe DNA into RNA. RNA is the intermediary that carries the information contained within DNA to the ribosomes, where the genetic information is synthesized into ...
The genome contains tens of thousands of genes. Like a gigantic orchestra, their interaction is the basis for all vital ...
In order for a virus like the COVID-19 virus to be detected early in the body using real time RT–PCR, scientists need to convert the RNA to DNA. This is a process called ‘reverse transcription’. They ...
Combining a weakly hydrophobic ion-pairing agent with a moderately hydrophobic one further improved resolution.
In this type of pairing, adenine (A) forms two hydrogen bonds with thymine (T) in DNA or uracil (U) in RNA, while guanine (G) forms three hydrogen bonds with cytosine (C). These base pairs are highly ...
The data shows that RNA interacts with a mitochondrial protein complex to trigger immune response pathways when viral RNA is ...
Biologists at Indiana University Bloomington have shown that the surfaces of plant leaves are coated with a diverse array of ...
This discovery led to the concept of the ribosome as a ribozyme, an RNA molecule with enzymatic properties ... The process of ribosome biogenesis involves the transcription of rRNA precursors, their ...
Diversity-generating retroelements (DGRs) are found in the genomes of microorganisms across the globe—from the arctic ...