A photograph (right) and CT scan of a turbidite layer in a geologic core sample collected during a scientific cruise studying the geology near the Cascadia Subduction Zone. The subduction zone can ...
Perhaps the most widely recognized sediment-gravity-flow deposit is called a turbidite – thus, fans are also referred to as turbidite systems (Bouma et al. 1985). Fans and related turbidite ...
US independent LLOG’s Who Dat South prospect in the US Gulf of Mexico has spudded its exploration well and preliminary ...
The researchers analyzed a selection of turbidite layers from the Cascadia subduction zone dating back about 12,000 years ago with an algorithm that assessed how well turbidite layers correlated ...
Sep. 12, 2024 — Mega ocean warming El Nino events were key in driving the largest extinction of life on planet Earth some 252 million years ago, according to new research. The study has shed new ...
LLOG Exploration on Sept. 5 began drilling the Who Dat South well in the US Gulf of Mexico. The exploration well, MC 545-1, ...
Based on data from offshore operator reports submitted as of 11:30 a.m. CDT Sept. 11, personnel have been evacuated from a ...
which recorded oil and gas shows in Miocene-aged turbidite sandstones. The rig has been drilling for an unusually long period of time, after beginning operations in late May at a site 180 ...
The well will test two amplitude-supported Miocene turbidite reservoir prospects, with the shallower target analogous to productive zones within the Who Dat fields, Karoon said in a statement.