Tube feeding involves giving a liquid dietary formula through a flexible tube inserted into the digestive tract. It is used when patients can’t get enough nutrition by eating. Feeding tubes can be ...
Many commercially available options exist for feeding tubes. The two most commonly used types of tubes are curved ball-tipped metal feeding tubes (Jor-Vet, Jorgensen Laboratories, Inc., ...
2008;65(24):2347-2357. Administer medications via the oral route when possible. Determine the enteral feeding tube size (e.g., small bore or large bore), insertion site (e.g., nasal or ...
If a rabbit is ill or will be undergoing certain types of surgery ... fluids when other feeding methods are not feasible. This column describes how to place a nasogastric tube in a rabbit.
Materials used for neonatal feeding tubes need to be resilient across wide ranges of pH, gentle to fragile tissues, and have the tensile strength to allow for the largest possible interior lumen ...