By Erwin Seba and Nicole Jao PITTSBURGH (Reuters) -At a meeting of United Steelworkers union officials this week, ...
据观察者网报道,美欧相继对中国钢铁挥舞关税大棒后,日本钢企蠢蠢欲动。据彭博社近日报道,世界第四大钢铁制造商新日本制铁公司(新日铁)执行副总裁森孝弘宣称,日本政府需要对中国钢铁出口征收反倾销关税,以保护本国产业。与此同时,新日铁近日宣布将对美国钢铁公司 ...
A knot formed in Sam Phillips’s stomach a few months ago when he learned that corroded titanium—sold with faked ...
日本经济新闻(中文版:日经中文网)9月18日获悉,针对日本制铁收购美国钢铁大型企业“美国钢铁(US ...
【共同社华盛顿、东京9月17日电】17日获悉,负责审查日本制铁收购美国钢铁公司一事的美国外国投资委员会(CFIUS)已允许日铁再次提出审查申请。日铁可暂时避免美国政府禁止其收购。据相关人士透露,日铁最晚23日撤回申请,并重新申请。再次申请的审查结论将 ...
最近,日本企业日本制铁欲收购美国钢铁公司案成为2024美国大选热门话题之一,拜登政府于4日开始,对阻止日本制铁收购美国钢铁公司的方案进行最终的调整。多家媒体,包括《华盛顿邮报》和路透社等,援引知情人士的消息报道了这一消息,预计不久后将会正式宣布阻止日 ...
The construction has commenced on an academic building on the University of South Wales’ (USW) Treforest Campus in Pontypridd ...
At a recent United Steelworkers (USW) union meeting, the division between union officials and members regarding presidential candidates was evident. Although the union endorsed Democratic candidate ...
Takahiro Mori of Nippon Steel, the Japanese firm knee-deep in what increasingly appears to be a doomed acquisition of U.S.
The University of South Wales has achieved its highest-ever ranking in the Guardian University Guide 2025. The university, which has a campus in Newport, is now placed 51st out of the 122 institutions ...
U. S. Steel, along with the United Steelworkers union (“USW”) and Wheeling-Nippon, has filed antidumping and countervailing ...