China's railway network is expected to handle 175 million passenger trips during the upcoming 10-day National Day holiday ...
The Bull & Claw’s famous Friday night Sundowners, featuring live music in their beautiful boho garden. Commencing at 6pm, ...
Editor's note: Over the past 75 years, New China has made remarkable progress that not only benefits the Chinese people but ...
令人感兴趣的是,这张截图显示玩家在8小时的游戏时间后,已完成39%的进度。这似乎证实了创意总监Mateusz Lenart的说法,即《寂静岭2》重制版的通关时间大约为16到18小时。尽管玩家们往往对开发者给出的游戏时长存疑,但这一数据表明,重制版的游戏长度几乎是原版的两倍。对于那些关注游戏时长和性价比的玩家来说,这一数字可能非常重要。
Rather than risking it becoming a dampened down affair, Azul SKL took the decision to move their big Mexican Festival back a week to this Saturday, September 28. The good news is that it will now star ...
A woman takes selfies at a lantern fair marking the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day at Victoria Park in Hong ...
27日起广州国庆灯光秀上演!27日晚,广州塔、琶洲西区、海珠广场、海心沙、猎德大桥、一江两岸24栋楼宇等地标建筑光影流转,一场璀璨震撼的国庆主题灯光秀如期而至,点亮广州的城市天际线,为市民和游客带来一场视觉盛宴。As 75 years have swiftly passed, bringing great changes to the world, the People's ...
The Zhangyuan historic neighborhood takes on a playful look with the latest pop-up store. Fashion and lifestyle brands, ...
英矽智能创始人兼首席执行官Alex Zhavoronkov博士表示:“ ...