The Hangover is a 2009 American comedy film, co-produced and directed by Todd Phillips and written by Jon Lucas and Scott Moore. It is the first film of The Hangover franchise. The film stars ...
The Hangover is a 2009 American comedy film, co-produced and directed by Todd Phillips and written by Jon Lucas and Scott Moore. It is the first film of The Hangover franchise. The film stars ...
Four guys go to Las Vegas for a bachelor party, only to wake up with a trashed room, a missing groom and no memory of the night before. Hit comedy. Strong language ...
The morning after their arrival in Las Vegas, they awaken in their hotel suite each with the worst hangover. None remembers what happened in the past twelve or so hours. The suite is in shambles.
The research, published in the journal Addictive Behaviours, was undertaken on 1676 undergraduate students who had experienced at least one hangover in the past three months. All participants did ...