Mohan Bhagwat claimed a “deep state” was trying to divide the nation along caste and community lines, with some political ...
Rajya Sabha MP Kapil Sibal challenged RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat's emphasis on social harmony, doubting if leaders like Modi are ...
At a campaign rally later, Trump offered his one-time "nasty" rival Vivek Ramaswamy a position in his administration if ...
Rajya Sabha MP Kapil Sibal criticizes RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat's Vijayadashmi speech, questioning who is heeding his call for ...
(法新社新德里7日电) 马尔地夫总统穆伊祖今天前往印度进行就任后的首次国是访问,印度总理莫迪表示,穆伊祖这次到访象徵修复紧张关系的「新篇章」,并说印度将金援马尔地夫。
Two closely watched elections, in Haryana and the turbulent Jammu and Kashmir, kept the surprises coming after this summer’s ...
超过1000名印度南部三星家电厂厂罢工的工人,9日拒绝了公司提出的加薪和解方案,本次罢工行动已经迈入第2个月,是印度近年来最大规模的劳资纠纷,对总理莫迪(Narendra ...
10月12日,印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪(Narendra Modi)在首都万象与老挝总理宋赛·西潘敦(Sonexay ...
Ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s arrival in Vientiane, the Indian community of Laos gathered outside his hotel to ...
拜登总统在9月24日联合国大会上表示,他“每天”都会想起美国从阿富汗撤军过程中,在喀布尔机场发生的自杀式爆炸事件中丧生的13名美国人,而就在数小时之前,美国国会众议院委员会也就此事件,对国务卿布林肯没出席听证会而认定布林肯“藐视国会”。“13名勇敢的 ...
(法新社东京8日电) 根据日本媒体报导,日本一位高阶官员今天表示,新任首相石破茂将于本周在寮国举行的东南亚国家协会(ASEAN)峰会期间举行会谈,并会见中国总理等人。 媒体报导指出,这包括与中国国务院总理李强、韩国总统尹锡悦(Yoon Suk ...