Connection Christian Church's Women's Study Bible Study group is going to start "Exodus The Bible for Normal People" starting at noon Jan. 15. Connection Christian is located at 4241 Tanglewood Lane.
Herman Seminary. Soon after, the Dean of the Seminary, Father John Dunlop, well aware of her extensive monastic experience, suggested that she started, just once a week, women’s Bible studies and ...
Prayer Fellowship meets at 9:30 a.m. each Wednesday in the chapel. If you have a prayer request, contact the church office at [email protected]. A number of Community Life Groups are available.
24. The new Women's Bible Study classes will begin Jan. 28, 2025. The group will study "Exodus & Numbers: The Exodus From Egypt" by John MacArthur. The cost of the study book is $10. There will be ...
For the first time in at least 100 years, the US Cabinet has a bible study group. What do they learn? What does Donald Trump make of it? And why aren't women allowed to teach? Every Wednesday ...