Nintendo is hosting a playtest period for new Switch Online features soon, and anyone can sign up for a chance to try them ...
Nintendo announced earlier this week that it would be hosting a playtest related to a new feature for Nintendo Switch and ...
We will be performing a test related to a new feature for #NintendoSwitchOnline on #NintendoSwitch. Starting 8:00 AM PT on ...
任天堂官方今天(7月25日)公开了体感游戏《Nintendo Switch Sports》的免费更新“篮球篇”的CM,知名演员新垣结衣为万门展示了新的更新。 【游侠网 ...
9月26日,腾讯NintendoSwitch宣布《宝可梦走吧!皮卡丘》和《宝可梦走吧!皮卡丘》正式登陆国行Switch,定价299元,可通过e商店购买数字版。与游戏同时还发售了精灵球型设备“精灵球Plus”,官方 ...
Ahead of the release of Ys X: Nordics next week, NIS America has announced a demo for the Switch eShop and it's out today.
关注Switch2最新情报的小伙伴们,可能从昨天开始有看到这样一张图。该贴表示Switch继任者就叫Switch2,下周三(10月23日)正式亮相,并罗列了一堆内容。当然,有经验的玩家对这种内容当然是一眼判定为假。尽管怪猎荒野确实会在下周三公开新消息 ...
Discovered by speedrunners AceZephyr and Kuma and publicized by Luzbel, a new skip allows players to jump from Midgar all the ...
"If 'gamers should get used to not owning their games' is true...then 'devs must get used to not having jobs.'" ...
蜡笔小新不仅在日本广受欢迎,也在全球多个国家及地区拥有极高人气。例如,最新剧场版《蜡笔小新:我们的恐龙日记》已确认引进中国大陆,西班牙也将于10月18日上映电影《蜡笔小新:新次元!超能力大决战 ...
根据市场调研公司Circana的最新数据,截至2024年9月,在美国市场的PS5主机中,光驱版占比达到82%,而数字版主机仅占18%。尽管索尼近年来一直在推动玩家转向数字版本,并降低了数字版主机的价格,还推… ...
【ITBEAR】AMD即将震撼发布其最新锐龙9000 X3D系列产品,引发广泛关注。据悉,该系列首款型号锐龙7 9800 X3D将于11月7日正式面世,而产品的包装盒设计已提前曝光。