But it’s worth knowing that a hero is also something very specific. To make the definition more complicated, a hero has a ...
Yosef, the spiritual leader of the Shas Party ... "With gentiles, it will be like any person: They need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die ...
Yosef’s dreams were a reflection of his prophetic insight into the divine plan for his future.” This highlights that Yosef ...
Yaakov had no such woman in his life. He hated Leah, and his beloved Rachel died too soon to manifest any complimentary ...
This week’s Parshah contains the unfortunate saga of Yosef and his brothers–Yosef, although with the best of intentions, reports actions taken by his brothers that appear to be negative to ...
No one in Egypt was able to resolve Pharaoh’s troubling dreams to his satisfaction. Sages from the period of the Talmud ...
The Targum Yonasan Ben Uziel explains that the dream of the Royal Butler actually alluded to the redemption of the Jewish people. This being so, Yosef understood that the redemption could only come ab ...
Though casting Yosef into a pit and selling him into slavery was inexcusable, the resentment his brother’s felt towards him was understandable. The parsha opens by portraying Yosef as a snitch ...
Dreams play a very important part in the biblical narrative. In recent weeks, we have read about Yaakov’s dream of angels ...
Yosef’s call for Haredi men not to serve in IDF ‘unacceptable, worthy of all condemnation’ appeared first on The Times of ...