Written by Luke the beloved physician (Col 4:14), Luke-Acts seamlessly connects the life of Jesus to the lives of the early Apostles after the resurrection. The gospel of Luke is about what Jesus ...
C - Acts 5:27-32,40-41 * When they had brought them in and made them stand before the Sanhedrin, the high priest questioned them, "We gave you strict orders (did we not?) to stop teaching in that name ...
It was not even a formal sect of Judaism. Peter was the movement's first champion; in the Acts of the Apostles we hear of his mass conversions and miraclemaking—healing the lame, raising the ...
Many congregations with special apostolic orientation venerate Mary under this title (Salvatorians, Claretians, Pallottines, Missionaries of Steyl, etc.). The biblical roots of this title (also true ...
In the Bible, the book called the Acts of the Apostles describes this event and how angels, described as ‘men dressed in white’, helped the apostles to understand what was happening ...
Thecla's story is one of many in the Apocryphal Acts which portray women giving up riches and sexual activity to follow the Apostles. She is an aristocratic woman who, despite great opposition ...
Lookadoo, Jonathon 2023. A Wisdom (Not) of This Age: Paul’s Education from His Letters to the Early Acts. Religions, Vol. 14, Issue. 6, p. 712.
Historian John Davies on the 1536 'Act of Union' between England and Wales. The 1530s was a crucial decade in the history of the territories of the English crown. Henry VIII and his advisor Thomas ...
During wartime, one of the most effective weapons in any country’s arsenal is sabotage: attacking the war engine itself by crippling key supplies, manufacturing, strategic locations and even ...
The power of sharing positivity is an amazing thing--especially when students are the ones benefiting. Linda Campbell makes sure students at Riverside High School are on the “receiving end” of ...
The ACTentry A5 audio gate / door entry system from Access Control technology (ACT) Ltd was designed for both domestic properties with automatic gates and commercial enterprises. The entry panel has ...
After human traffickers kidnap his fiancée, a man teams up with his ex-soldier brothers to rescue her in this intense action film. Their search leads them to a cop investigating trafficking rings ...