The last class, semelfactive, was discovered later. Seealso Brinton, The Development of English Aspectual Systems. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1. Syntax is boring. This is a statement; it ...
AISYS( Aspectual Illumination System)光学系统是佳能独自研发的投影机照明系统,为投影机提供高纯度光源和足够的光源亮度。在设计光源的时候,佳能同时还追求尽可能减小照明系统的体积,并提高环保性能、耐用性以及易维护性。因此,每一代AISYS光学系统都是高 ...
This book presents a comprehensive account of the grammatical expression of aspect and related semantic domains in South Conchucos Quechua, a language of central Peru. Based on naturally-occurring ...
[EMNLP-15]: PhraseRNN: Phrase Recursive Neural Network for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. [paper] [COLING-16]: Sentihood: Targeted aspect based sentiment analysis dataset for urban neighbourhoods.
This journal utilises an Online Peer Review Service (OPRS) for submissions. By clicking "Continue" you will be taken to our partner site https://mc.manuscriptcentral ...
Happy is the main lexical predicate here. It takes one argument: an experiencer--John. Tall takes one argument: a theme: Mary. (12) *John is being tall. (13) *Mary is being fond of red roses. (14) ...
(2011). "What does Structural Accusative Mean? An Argument Against the Aspectual Theory." Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics 19, eds. John Bailyn et al. Ann Arbor: Michigan Slavic Publications, ...
For this reason, we call it PROGRESSIVE ASPECT, and the auxiliary is called the PROGRESSIVE AUXILIARY. Aspect always includes tense. In [2] and [3] above, the aspectual auxiliaries are in the present ...
I argue that the restructuring of Heritage Russian ellipsis follows from two changes in the heritage language: (a) reanalysis of the aspectual system and (b) changes in the inventory of null ...
Although all theories of lexical aspect recognize that verbs divide into different classes, the details of the classification differ. An early attempt by Vendler recognized four classes, which has ...