Described in a study published in the journal Evolution & Development, this 555 million-year-old organism represents one of ...
In multilateral situations, asymmetry shapes patterns of uncertainty and attention. In global systems, how hegemons treat their subjects is the unobserved sand shifting beneath their feet as they look ...
Joan Ridao, lecturer at the University of Barcelona, has published an article in the International Journal of Constitutional ...
Breast asymmetry occurs when one breast has a different size, volume, position or form from the other. It can be due to various factors, including hormones, menopause and cancer surgeries.
The Standard Model of particle physics predicts an asymmetry between matter and antimatter known as charge–parity (CP) ...
The aim of this study was to investigate QL asymmetry when measuring with two different methods; first using a small number of images with clear muscle borders and second using a larger number of ...
Healy, Paul M., and Krishna G. Palepu. "Information Asymmetry, Corporate Disclosure, and the Capital Markets: A Review of the Empirical Disclosure Literature." Journal of Accounting & Economics 31, ...
At higher values mean higher quality of movement execution. Lower limb functional asymmetry (FA) is monitored to control the athlete's injury risk (Sannicandro et al., 2011). Objective To examine the ...