Burnout is a workplace phenomenon that results in persistent fatigue, reduced performance at work, and feelings of cynicism or disconnection from work. Workplace burnout can be a serious problem ...
However, pushing through burnout without addressing its root causes can have serious consequences. Prolonged stress and exhaustion not only diminish our performance and enthusiasm for our work but ...
Burnout is not only caused by working too hard at one’s job. Parenting and other forms of caregiving frequently lead to exhaustion, stress, and overwhelm that, left unchecked, can bring on the ...
This same notion applies to clinician burnout in medicine. Despite heightened awareness of this urgent issue and widespread calls for relief, the burnout crisis continues to escalate. After a ...
In today’s fast-paced work environment, burnout has become an alarming epidemic. Characterized by chronic stress, emotional exhaustion, and decreased productivity, burnout is a silent ...
新华社东京9月13日电(记者钱铮)日本理化学研究所一个团队在新一期《交叉科学》杂志报告说,他们在果蝇研究中发现,随个体老化的肠道组织干细胞耗竭时,染色体特定区域的结构和基因 ...
If she can’t count on her sensitivity to patients, she can’t be confident of her work. Both Mark and Susan are suffering from burnout. Far more than feeling blue or having a bad day, burnout is a ...
Overwhelming stress from career responsibilities may lead to work burnout. It's a workplace affliction that's so rampant that both employers and healthcare providers are concerned. Burnout is ...
The authors present four warning signs that your employees may be heading toward ethical burnout — and strategies to counteract these forces before it’s too late. Everyone has experienced ...
I remember feeling trapped in a matrix, constantly on the verge of breakdown and burnout and holding the silent expectation that I couldn’t express my frustrations or I’d be deemed ungrateful ...
This is known as burnout. Recently, there’s been a lot of talk about the particular stresses of being a millennial - like feeling a need to look great on social media, or the fact that more and ...
这一成果有助解开干细胞耗竭的分子机制,并加深对衰老过程的理解。 根据理化学研究所发表的新闻公报,组织干细胞是存在于身体各种组织内的未 ...