However, modern technology is inching us closer to realizing bona fide cloaking devices, or active camouflage as it is ...
How can the soft bodies of coleoid cephalopods so aptly hide in their environment? Why must they? What cells and specialized organs make such crypsis possible for one of the older evolutionary ...
Following someone’s gaze may seem like a simple act, but it has profound implications for the evolution of intelligence. And ...
A weird number of craters are located close to the equator, and the odds that this is random are incredibly low, researchers ...
Inspired by the color-changing skin of squids and other cephalopods, researchers have developed a flexible screen capable of ...
Ammonites were shelled cephalopods that died out about 66 million years ago. Fossils of them are found all around the world, sometimes in very large concentrations. The often tightly wound shells of ...
Discovery of rare fossil fragments in Texas In 2023, a private fossil hunter uncovered two jaw fragments belonging to ...
Model projections suggest that China will consume a diverse range of species including crustaceans, demersal fish and cephalopods, Ghana and Peru will continue to dominate the consumption of small ...
The many chambers of their shells likely helped these cephalopods glide through the planet’s warm, shallow seas. A thin, tubelike structure called a siphuncle pumped air through the interior ...
A new approach for delivering miniature research tools into the interior of egg cells and embryos has been developed at the ...
Mating happens at arm’s length for the four species of these cephalopods. The tiny male detaches its hectocotylus—a modified arm that holds its sperm—and gives it to the female, who keeps it ...
cephalopods, and so on—might nevertheless share aspects of our mental lives. An experienced scuba diver, Godfrey-Smith has spent a lot of time in the ocean with animals that might as well be ...