Dubilier and colleagues reveal that chemosynthetic symbioses are ubiquitous and dominate the biomass in marine environments, such as deep-sea hydrothermal vents and cold seeps, and are also common ...
Living in chemosynthetic ecosystems like hydrothermal vents and cold-seeps, these worms house the endosymbionts in a ...
Also at risk are seafloor benthic communities. The sea floor in the vicinity of natural oil and gas seeps is home to diverse chemosynthetic ecosystems and colonies of cold-water corals.
The Collection includes extensive holdings from deep-sea environments, chemosynthetic ecosystems (hydrothermal vents, hydrocarbon seeps, whale falls), Antarctica, and the eastern Pacific. Specimens ...
Professor and Concordia University Research Chair in Environmental Chemistry, Chemistry and Biochemistry M. Sirois, A. Barber, Y. Gélinas, G. Chaillou (2018 ...
The current Curator, Dr. Rouse, works on phylogeny and systematics, primarily of annelids and echinoderms with a focus on deep-sea and chemosynthetic environments. In addition to serving as an ...
magnifica filament has the shape and size of a human eyelash T. magnifica is a chemosynthetic bacterium. It makes the sugars it needs to fuel itself by oxidising the sulphur compounds produced by ...
PhD Thesis. (Supervisor(s)) Glover AG, Ball AD, Little CTS. N Georgieva M, Helena Wiklund , James B Bell , Mari H Eilertsen , Rachel A Mills , Crispin TS Little , G Glover A (2015) Additional datasets ...
I am interested in how the inorganic world influences microbial community composition, structure and function; and simultaneously, what impact does chemosynthetic microbial activity have on the ...
Active hydro­thermal vents form unique ecosystems. Chemosynthetic bacteria, which use hydrogen sulphide as their energy source, form the basis of the vent food web, which is comprised of a ...
"Using an underwater robot, the science team overturned chunks of volcanic crust, discovering cave systems teeming with worms ...
The development of technology with the sterling assistance of graduate students and postdocs was noteworthy. At Empiriko, our in-vitro chemosynthetic liver technology mirrors the structure, function, ...