Circular connectors are multi-pin connectors primarily used for external interfacing. They can be used for data transfer, electrical signal transmissions, or for powering electrical devices. In some ...
古有飞鸽传书,今有人利用气球及风力,将传单及电视节目传送到北韩,意图为他们「反洗脑」。 古有飞鸽传书,今有人利用气球及风力,将传单及 ...
The ‘circular economy’ offers clear potential in this area. This wide-ranging concept, which involves making economies less wasteful and less resource-intensive while contributing to human development ...
二战结束79周年的8月15日,岩手县盛冈市的反战市民团体在盛冈市等县内4个地点散发再现了原日军的召集令,俗称“红纸”的传单,呼吁人们思考 ...
9月19日,家住北京市朝阳区的陈女士对《华夏时报》记者表示,在去往地铁一号线的路上,有个人走到她身边小心翼翼塞给她一张传单,她刚要拒绝 ...
For the vast majority of Earth’s existence, our planet functioned as the quintessential circular system. The Sun’s energy nourished trees into life, and once they fell, microorganisms broke ...
Walker, Thomas J. and Littell, Ramon C. 1994. Orientation of Fall‐migrating Butterflies in North Peninsular Florida and Source Areas. Ethology, Vol. 98, Issue. 1, p ...
Designed by RAU Architects, the pavilion's circular design features a prominent illuminated sphere at its center, symbolizing a new era of unlimited clean energy, akin to a “man-made sun ...
When no-one did, Ms Holm applied for a grant from the Victorian government's Circular Economy Business Innovation Centre, ...
总统选举竞选期只剩最后两天,候选人陈钦亮取消到巴刹和熟食中心的走访活动,改而动员义工到邻里组屋区和地铁站派发竞选传单。 职总英康前总裁陈钦亮星期天(8月27日)告诉媒体 ...