Six strong recommendations developed, including initial management of dietary modifications and ensuring adequate fluid, fiber intake ...
A Novel Biofeedback Treatment to Offset Abdominal Distention Dr David Johnson shares the results of a compelling new study of a simple breathing technique for combatting abdominophrenic ...
T-DOC ® Air-Charged™ disposable catheters use tiny pressure-sensing air balloons to assess internal pressures. Barely larger than the diameter of the catheter itself, these balloons offer ...
The project is a randomized double blind placebo controlled parallel groups investigation of the effects of Botulinum toxin A treatment of detrusor external sphincter dyssynergia during early spinal ...
In Colonoscopy, Quality Indicators Aren't Optional Dr David Johnson explains why the ACG/ASGE's recommendations on achieving quality colonoscopy are far from mere suggestions. Medscape ...