The Federal Aviation Administration charged on Tuesday that SpaceX failed to comply with two of its regulations during two ...
The agency proposed $633,009 in civil penalties against SpaceX for allegedly failing to follow its license requirements.
After SpaceX was hit with a proposed fine by federal regulators, Elon Musk is complaining that they should be focused on ...
CEO Elon Musk rails at $633,000 in fines, which he called politically motivated, threatening to sue to contest them.
Following SpaceX's letter to Congress, Musk escalated his rhetoric on Thursday, declaring, "Enough is enough." He accused the ...
The FAA proposed fines for SpaceX, saying it violated launch licenses, and Elon Musk isn't happy.
Elon Musk identified a new constraint for his Mars-bound ambitions. That means presidential administrations don’t ...
【ITBEAR】9月18日消息,近日,SpaceX公司创始人埃隆·马斯克公开宣布,将针对美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)提出诉讼,指责其存在过度监管的问题。此决定源于FAA对SpaceX处以63.3万美元罚款,原因涉及SpaceX在两次发射任务中未遵守相 ...
SpaceX 创始人埃隆·马斯克近日宣布,公司计划对美国联邦航空管理局 ...
On Tuesday (Sept. 17), the FAA announced that it plans to fine SpaceX $630,000 for allegedly skirting regulations on two ...
当地时间9月17日,美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)宣布了一项针对SpaceX的严厉处罚决定,提议对该公司处以633,009美元(约合449.1万元人民币)的民事罚款。这一处罚源自FAA指控SpaceX在2023年的两次发射任务中未能严格遵守相关的许可要 ...