Scientists in Japan developed a 4.49%-efficient solar cell based on titanium dioxide, selenium. The devices is based on a new ...
The Chinese module maker and the Australian National University utilized phosphorus diffusion gettering and another defect ...
工业烟气中高浓度的二氧化碳(CO2)使这些点源,成为可再生电力驱动的电催化CO2还原(CO2R)转化为产品的有吸引力候选者。然而,普通烟气中的痕量二氧化硫(SO2)会迅速且不可逆地毒害催化剂。基于此, 加拿大多伦多大学David Sinton院士、新西兰奥克兰大学王子运教授和上海交通大学李俊副教授(共同通讯作者)以及Edward H. Sargent院士等人 ...
HJT: Now is the time for efficiency improvement and cost reduction The heterojunction (HJT) structure was first proposed by scientists in the 1970s, and HJT technology has undergone more than 50 years ...
Huasun Energy has achieved a significant milestone in its path to bring heterojunction (HJT) solar modules to the mainstream ...
A group of Korean researchers have recently succeeded in developing new p-type semiconductor materials and thin-film ...
The new Selenium-Tellurium alloy transistors, created with room-temperature deposition, could enhance display technology with ...
New material overcomes the low mobility of the p-type semiconductor while improving display refresh rate and power ...
In a study published in Energy & Environmental Science, researchers from the Interface Science Department at the Fritz Haber ...