A group of Japanese and American scientists has won this year's Ig Nobel Prize in physiology for discovering that many ...
Overload of undigested nutrients reaching the hindgut or malnutrition induced intestinal damage may both cause imbalanced microbial populations in the gut. It is this so-called ‘microbial ...
ecologically or economically compelling examples (see other articles in this Focus issue on Symbiosis), including the associations that are present in the cow rumen and termite hindgut ...
Acute bouts of laminitis are particularly common in the spring when at-risk horses reintegrate lush grass into their diet. As a result, acidosis of the hindgut occurs, causing a mass die-off of ...
Additionally, excessive ingestion of carbohydrates or fructose can result in low pH in the hindgut. This low pH of the hindgut (acidosis) causes large populations of fiber-digesting gut bacteria to ...
Our lab is focused on dairy cattle nutrition and the impact nutrition has on cow health. Current projects include: evaluating the impact of buffers on hindgut starch fermentation, assessing ...