The majority in Congress could reduce the minority to inaudibility. It could refuse to appropriate money for minority staff and minority membership on congressional committees, and exclude them ...
(2) Be audible. The second most annoying thing in the world after slow internet has probably got to be inaudibility over the phone. Nothing teases the last nerve like the words 'Sorry!' come again!' ...
Presently, the inaudibility became complete. Mellon had lost his place. He made an effort to find it, and then gave up. “That’s all,” he murmured, and sat down. The audience filed out not ...
Most of the space was occupied by his chuntering about the inaudibility of the performers. But since he specifically condemned the Olga and Masha in this respect, it might be assumed that Ms ...
However, some perfomances, were bordering on over-acting. Inaudibility was an issue at times and some lines were missed as the performers did not wait for the audience laughter to subside. ‘The Blind ...
Set in an English manufacturing town in 1912, the Birling family are celebrating the engagement of Sheila Birling (Leona ...
so as to avoid any suspicion of mannerism); the off-beat sforzandos are emphasised and the down-beats phrased off to near inaudibility; the single piano notes in the second half are given a fraction ...