A new interdiscipline combining the talents of scientists, social scientists and artists (particularly musicians). Soundscape design attempts to discover principles and to develop techniques by which ...
上证报中国 证券 网讯(白丽斐记者李苑)中国工程院院士、清华大学环境学院教授贺克斌14日在2024清华大学全球气候传播论坛上表示,世界的经济发展模式正在从过去对能源的资源依赖型逐渐变成技术依赖型,谁能够抢先建成大规模稳定使用 新能源 的技术体系,谁就能抢到下一轮经济发展的先机。
While Performance Studies may claim itself as a multi- or interdiscipline, a dominant strand of it tells a widely disseminated story of its own emergence within which the commitment to ...
Acoustic design is an interdiscipline in the throes of being defined, both practically and theoretically. While its daily implementation is of the utmost importance and concern, the heuristic ...
“气候变化不仅是一个环境问题,更是一个涉及经济、社会、文化等多方面的综合性问题。截至2022年,已有127个国家提出或准备提出碳中和目标,这些国家的GDP占全球的90%,人口占全球的85%,碳排放占全球的88%。”近日,清华大学副校长王宏伟在2024 ...
Dr Dan Fei is a senior lecturer in Pharmaceutics in the School of Pharmacy, De Montfort University. She gained her PhD degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences at Aston University. Dr Fei was later employed ...