The great Japanese ironist Jun’ichirō Tanizaki was born in 1886 into an old Tokyo merchant family. His father was a ...
Friedrich Nietzsche drew no distinction between Socrates and Plato in his diagnosis of the origin of philosophy and metaphysics. My argument will lean heavily on the scholarship of Gregory Vlastos to ...
Dismissed initially as dewy soapers by critics of the day, box office smashes such as Magnificent Obsession (1954) and All That Heaven Allows (1955) have re-emerged in the decades since as skillful ...
Later in the park, he was a boy—sentimental, vaguely mystical. As we walked sordid streets, he was an ironist. He was hard and ruthless. At that moment, I began to love him. I realized that he ...
Vizenor's latest (after Shrouds of White Earth) is an ironist's account of the pretense of modern academia as seen through the lens of the Native American Indian trickster tradition. The narrative ...
Gary Shapiro, University of Richmond "In this careful, innovative, and nuanced study, Loeb (Univ. of Puget Sound) develops an alternative to standard doctrinal and ironist readings of Nietzsche's Thus ...