Despite turning 38 on Friday, Kamui Kobayashi is not ready to hit the brakes on his auto racing career. In fact, you could say he’s still accelerating. Not only is Kobayashi one of the three ...
Need more episodes of Ninja Kamui in your life? Check out the latest installment, or get caught up on all 12 episodes, on Max and Max (Via Hulu). A team of assassins exacts a bloody retribution on ...
23XI Racing and Toyota said Wednesday that Kamui Kobayashi will make his NASCAR debut at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Road Course on August 13. Kobayashi has a long career in motorsports ...
After what felt like a jolt of electricity for a first episode, Ninja Kamui has finally ended, albeit on a rather mixed note.
欣闻官兵再创佳绩,曾率全营打出“神威导弹营”威名的老营长逯军营由衷感叹:“神威”部队展新威! “强军兴军动力在改革,出路在改革,前途也在改革。”认真学习党的二十届三中全会 ...
Now the chase begins, as Jiro, with only the Dagger of Kamui to help him, searches for the great treasure, a search that will take him all the way to the American Old West, with Tenkai's minions ...
8月20日,《坦克世界》在国服周年庆之际上线了一款以三国武将关羽为设计灵感的BZ-75变体外观坦克——“神威勇武”。随后,官方又发布了一期 ...
The Kakashi Kamui controller is part of a collaboration with Lexip Pro and Tsume. They've created a Naruto Shippuden series. There's an entire Kakashi set to go along with the controller ...
神威药业(02877)发布2024年中期业绩,营业额20.87亿元(人民币,下同),同比下降13.0%;净利润6.26亿元,同比增长27.5%;每股 ...
睿思网讯:8月23日,由新疆神威云鹏智算有限公司联合国家超级计算无锡中心投资建设的新疆神威云鹏智算中心项目开工,该项目是集算力基础设施、人工智能科研孵化基地、办公楼及相关配套 ...
Manga artist Sanpei Shirato, widely known for his rich historical epics such as “Ninja Bugeicho” and “Legend of Kamui,” died of aspiration pneumonia on Oct. 8. He was 89. Shirato’s real ...