TASS/. Turkey has leased the port of Khoms in northwestern Libya for a period of 99 years to deploy a military base there, TGRT television reported, citing sources. The move is said to help Turkey ...
香港影帝梁朝伟私下相当低调,日前在香港被网民野生捕获,而他惊人的状态更让网民大赞帅气。一名网民日前在社交媒体分享,自己在香港中环某家店巧遇梁朝伟,从曝光的影片中可见梁朝伟戴著棒球帽、墨镜,身穿灰色上衣搭配黑长裤,背著背包。尽管梁朝伟已经低调装扮,却难 ...
Libya’s already fragile electricity infrastructure is once again under threat, as the National Oil Corporation (NOC) ...
曾出演《复仇者联盟2:奥创纪元》、《怪兽与葛林戴华德的罪行》、《马可波罗》的韩国演员金秀贤(Claudia ...