上周,国内、外融资市场动态连连,尤其在AI大模型和云计算领域,几笔大手笔交易格外引人注目。 国内,大模型领域两大创新企业「智谱AI」与「无问芯穹」相继宣布完成巨额融资。其中,「智谱AI」以200亿元的投前估值,完成了金额达数十亿人民币的新一轮融资。此轮融资不仅有国资入局,还吸引了包括知名投资机构及互联网大厂在内的多元化投资阵容,进一步证明了其在行业内的领先地位和广泛影响力。 而「无问芯穹」成立仅1 ...
Ford just amended its bylaws to take a little fiscal power away from its board. In the old version of the bylaws, the finance committee could greenlight spending on product development projects.
如果大家不了解创意软件行业,可以看看Adobe在做什么。大家都知道Salesforce,但实际上全球市值最大的SaaS公司是Adobe。这不仅仅是因为AI推动了它的增长,坦白讲,它在AI上的受益还不明显。最早的受益其实是在从图文时代向视频时代转型的过程中,Adobe在互联网发展中起到了重要作用,那一波浪潮比AI 还要大。
Eight puppies are safe after being dumped on the side of the road Wednesday morning in the Ozarks. Rescue One, a no-kill ...
Athenspets, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit founded in 2001, has become an important part of the Athens community, dedicated to helping ...
Dog spays for females require cutting into the abdomen to remove the reproductive organs. Dog neuters performed on males involve only a small incision on the body’s outside, which means they are ...
The U.S. government has temporarily halted a plan to remove iconic stray cats that live in a historic district in Puerto Rico ...
If three proposed animal welfare ordinances are adopted in Longview, the number of stray animals roaming city streets — and the number of healthy animals that are euthanized at the ...
Of course, such an elastic definition neuters violence of any coherent meaning. If “misgendering” is an act of violence, then New York City’s speech code imposing staggering fines for ...
SPOKANE, Wash. -- Spokane County Regional Animal Protection Service (SCRAPS) held an event on Sunday aimed at making sure every dog in Spokane gets proper healthcare. On August 25, SCRAPS, along ...
The year that changed Tibet was 1938. The location was a village in the north eastern part of Tibet, now renamed Qinghai. The ...